Metadata Summary for
FDEP Watershed Monitoring Section

Datasource Information
Dataset TypeMonitoring/Sampling Data
Name of Data SourceFDEP Watershed Monitoring Section
Number of Water Resources Sampled65
Datasource Abbreviation (dataset)STORET_21FLGW
Description of DatasourceA. Status Monitoring Network: The Status Network consists of 30 statewide reporting units which geographically coincide with the state's TMDL basins. FDEP will sample one or more basins per year in each region (see map). The overall statewide sample design provides for the sampling of the entire state within a five year period (e.g., 1999-2003, 2004-2008). B. Temporal Variability Network: The purpose of the Temporal Variability network is to characterize the environmental conditions of Florida's water resources and to determine how these conditions are changing over time. The SWTV Network consists of 79 fixed location sites that are sampled on a monthly basis.
Method of Transferring Data to the AtlasManual transfer via STORET
How Often Data is Transferred to the AtlasLegacy
Date of Most Recent Data Transfer8/7/2023 3:43:22 PM
Period of Record Within the Atlas10/5/1998 - 7/10/2017
Disclaimer/Use ConstraintsNone
Custodian Information
Agency Name Florida Department of Environmental Protection Division of Environmental Assessment and Restoration (DEAR)
Watershed Monitoring
Contact NameJay Silvanima
Contact Phone(850) 245-8507
Contact URL